About Us

EDHTop16 is a dedicated Magic: The Gathering website that specializes in aggregating and analyzing EDH tournament data. Our primary objective is to offer valuable insights into the competitive EDH landscape, allowing players and enthusiasts to better understand the meta and stay informed about popular decks and strategies.

Our platform is sponsored by Topdeck.gg, and presents a comprehensive overview of the decks being played, meta breakdowns, pilot profiles, event standings, and decklists from top-performing players. We also provide a few other statistics to help players optimize their decks for improved performance.

We also offer a robust API, allowing developers and data enthusiasts to access and utilize our extensive database for various applications and customizations. Our mission is to foster a thriving EDH community by presenting accurate, up-to-date, and relevant information to enhance players' understanding and enjoyment of the game.

Feel free to submit an issue if you see a bug or think of a feature you'd like to see.

If you would like to see a tournament added to our site, please contact us! We wish to grow our dataset and have the most complete and accurate view of tournament EDH possible. Do note, all Command Tower events are automatically added. You can contact us in our Discord server for further questions.

Our Team

ryan and jason

EDHTop16 is developed and maintained by Ryan Delaney and Jason Qiu. When we're not working on this site, we are active cEDH tournament grinders, but we're probably stuck at our day jobs. We're grateful for our community's support of this project and happy that we can give back!